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International Mock Court Case

Congratulations to Jenna who has been selected for the Scottish team that will be completing in the international Mock Court Case competition in the Hague in January 2018.

Letters to Primary School

Every year, our S1 pupils write a letter to the teachers at their old Primary Schools.

Karate Bronze for Chloe

Earlier this month, Chloe, one of our S4 Pupils took part in the European Karate Championships in Paris.

Mock Court Case Award Winners

During the Mock Court Case, the pupils who took part put in a fantastic effort and although we did not win the competition, we did have two pupils win an award.

Lead Climbing Champion

On 18th November, Hannah, one of our S2 pupils, represented Whitburn Academy at the Climb Scotland Schools climbing competition at Glasgow Climbing Centre.

Eco Committee at the Harrison Hut

Whitburn Traders, a local community group, are working to improve Whitburn and the surrounding area.

Children in Need

On Friday 17th November, the Charity Committee arranged a non-uniform day, bake sale and held some competitions to raise funds for BBC Children in Need.

Mock Court Case Awards Ceremony

On 15th November, the pupils involved in the Mock Court Case attended the awards ceremony for the event at the Signet Library in Edinburgh.

Defibrillator Handover

Whitburn Academy students raised funds last year through a non dress code day and other events so that the school could purchase a defibrillator for the school building.

Lessons from Auschwitz Project

On Thursday 9th November 2017, two senior pupils, Megan and Cari visited Auschwitz-Birkenau for the day.

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