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Festive Dress Down Day!

Our S6 pupils have organised a Christmas-themed full school dress down day for Friday 11th December!

Foodbank Collection

Throughout November, both Teaching and Non-Teaching staff from the Academy have been collecting various tinned, dry and long-life foods to be donated to the local foodbank as part of their 'Reverse Advent Calendar' campaign.

Letter from Headteacher 20.11.20

Whitburn Academy sent the attached letter out via Groupcall to all Parents and Carers this morning (Friday 20th November)

Operation Christmas Child

Our wonderful S6 Community Committee filled nine shoeboxes with gifts and essential items to be sent overseas to needy children as part of Operation Christmas Child, organised by Samaritan's Purse.

Letter from Headteacher 9.11.20

Whitburn Academy have sent out a letter to all Parents / Carers via Groupcall today (Monday 9th November)

Letter from Headteacher 30.10.20

Whitburn Academy have sent out a letter to all Parents / Carers via Groupcall containing some important information regarding the latest update to the Scottish Government's Coronavirus guidance for schools.

Maths Week

The Maths Department celebrated Maths Week Scotland during week beginning 5th October.

Expressive Arts Faculty Ambassadors

"These are some of our Expressive Arts Ambassadors for 2020-21.

Star Badge Presentations

Well Done to the pupils from Bruce, Douglas and Wallace House, who were recently presented with star badges.

Whitburn Academy becomes the first "Reading School" in Scotland

Whitburn Academy's drive and determination to embed a reading culture in our school community has been recognised by being awarded the title of first "Reading School" in Scotland

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