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The Advice Shop

We now have a dedicated Campaign Development Officer from the Advice Shop within our school who will deliver a specialist service for families who are experiencing financial hardship.

23 February
West Lothian Council Logo

The following is a message from the Whitburn Academy's Campaign Development Officer, Jacqui Elliot:

"Hello, my name is Jacqui and I am the School Campaign Development Officer at Whitburn Academy.  My role is to deliver a specialist income maximisation service for children and families who are experiencing financial hardship to support them to be more financially resilient. 

Here's some of the things I can provide advice or support on:

  • Advice on which benefits you may be entitled to and support to claim them if required.
  • Support to appeal benefit decisions or to ask for a decision to be reconsidered.
  • We can check to make sure your household income is maximised and help you claim any top up entitlement you may have
  • Information provided on any grants available, referrals and support to claim can also be provided.
  • Help with claiming support for the cost of the school day - Free School Meals, School Clothing Grants, School Clothing Bank referrals, EMA's (Education Maintenance Allowance).
  • Assistance with Mandatory Re considerations and Appeals for when disability benefits have been refused or you feel your current award is not correct.
  • Signposting on to other agencies where appropriate."

If you are struggling with your Money, Benefits or Debt please get in touch to see how I can help.

Please call or email me using the details below and I will get back to you - Remember to mention Jacqui or Whitburn Academy to ensure your enquiry is allocated correctly.

Email: (opens new window)

Telephone: 01506 283 000 opt 4

Face 2 Face appointments will also be available in school soon.

More information about the Advice Shop and the services they offer can be found via the following link: (opens new window)

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