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Summer Festival 2018

On Friday 25th May, Whitburn Academy held its annual Summer Festival.

28 May
Summer Festival 2018

Held in glorious sunshine out on the Sports field and back playground, pupils from S1-S4 took part in a number of events including 100m, 200m and 400m sprints, the shot putt, javelin, high jump and long jump.   There was also the opportunity for the pupils to take part in some of the fun races such as the egg and spoon, 3 legged race, wheelbarrow race, and the barrel race.     The School Band and Drama groups entertained the crowd, the Art Department did some work to the float they are creating for the gala day, Home Economics sold Fruit and Water and the Jigsaw Group did insta-selfies.  There was also a face painting stall and some visiting Birds of prey that the pupils got to handle.  

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