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October Message

I am delighted to have been given the opportunity to undertake the role as Acting Head Teacher of Whitburn Academy

03 October
School View Autumn

until a permanent successor to Iain Adair has been appointed.

As I write I have just completed my third week at the Academy. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time here to date. The young people and staff in the school, whom are a credit to Ian's Headship and leadership, have been so welcoming and friendly and I extend my thanks to them all.   I have been particularly impressed with the high standard of uniform at the Academy. This reflects the commitment of both parents and staff and is
evidence of what can be achieved with effective home and school partnership working.

The examination results at the Academy have been a cause for celebration for the fourth year in a row. They have once again exceeded the targets set by West Lothian Council and are proof of the continuing hard work from the young people and the support given to them from staff and yourselves as parents and carers. This session we will continue to strive to support every pupil to achieve their potential and endeavour to maintain and perhaps
improve on the academic success of the past few years.

To achieve these goals pupils and staff have to maintain high levels of expectations and effort. This term is particularly important; the work and assessments undertaken at this stage form the foundations for the courses being studied. Progress needs to be made now to ensure success later.

At least one review of progress will have taken place for all pupils by December. Praise meetings will occur for young people on track with their learning and targets for improvement will be shared with pupils as required. It is important that pupils respond positively to these targets. Parents and carers can support their child with their learning by discussing these targets with them.

Whitburn Academy is a vibrant school and the determination to succeed is evident from the wide variety of activities and events that young people engage in. In this Newsletter you will read about the trip to Tanzania, the sporting achievements of the pupils, the coffee morning and cake sale for Macmillan Cancer Trust, the Great Whitburn Academy Bake Off and the Naked Classroom teaching to mention just a few items. We have held our Pupil Council elections and I personally was delighted to be involved in the selection process for the senior pupil positions. Well done to all pupils and staff involved in these and other exciting opportunities. Keep up the good work!

I wish you all a wonderful October Holiday.

Kindest Regards

Vicky Porteous

Acting Head Teacher, Whitburn Academy

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