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Boxing Champion

Congratulations to S4 Pupil, Reece Lynch, who became Boxing's UK champion for his age group during the Easter Holidays.

05 May
Reece Lynch

Congratulations to S4 Pupil, Reece Lynch, who became Boxing's UK champion for his age group during the Easter Holidays.   Reece, who was chosen to represent Boxing Scotland at the Great British Championships, won the gold in a hard fought contest, defeating the English number 1 and number 2 on the way.

Reece said "I was hoping for gold.   Last year, I went down and got the silver, so this year I wanted to go down and win".

Reece has put in so much effort into his boxing and to be the best in the UK is an outstanding achievement.  Congratulations Reece,  from the Staff and Pupils at Whitburn Academy.

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