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Midnight Marathon

On Thursday 18th November, our S6 pupils held a 'Midnight Marathon'

Senior Phase Raising Attainment Presentation

As we are currently unable to hold an 'in-person' evening for Senior Phase pupils and their parents / carers, we have produced an online Raising Attainment presentation.

Change of Main School Telephone Number

Whitburn Academy now has a new phone system, please note the main school phone number has changed to 01506 280110.

Firework Letter 21.10.21

Police Scotland in conjunction with West Lothian Council and Scottish Fire and Rescue have issued the following letter to all schools in the West Lothian Council area.

Dress Down Day for Shoebox Appeal

Whitburn Academy's Dress Down Day organised by our S6 Community Committee has been a great success.

Sports Extra Curricular programme

Whitburn Academy will be launching its Sports Extra-Curricular programme from after the October Break, activities will commence on Tuesday 19th October.

MacMillan Coffee Morning

On Friday 24th September, our S6 Charity Committee held a Coffee Morning in aid of MacMillan Cancer Support.

Introduction to SDS for S1 parents/carers

Introduction to Skills Development Scotland (SDS) for parents and carers of S1 pupils- Wednesday 29 September 2021 6.30-7.15pm

School Captain and Vice-Captain chosen

After a series of interviews, we have chosen our School Captain and Vice-Captain for Session 2021-2022.

Flu Vaccination Session at Whitburn Academy 2021/22

Flu Vaccinations for pupils will take place on Thursday 16th September.

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