Whitburn Academy organised a trip to Peru in association with the Vine Trust in June 2014.
The Vine Trust group have successfully organised two trips to Peru, one in 2014 and the other in 2018. Pupils in S5 and S6 during both years have had the opportunity to sign up to spend 15 days in Peru, one of the poorest countries in the world, where they have helped with of various projects such as digging a trench for a septic tank and helping to lay foundations for a bridge over a stream.
Both groups who have taken part had a wonderful experience that they say will change theirs and others' lives forever.
It costs around £2600 per student to go to Peru, with the aim that the group - students, parents/carers and staff - carried out a number of fundraisers in the two years prior to the trip to raise the money required.
Various steps were taken - there was several meetings of the group, with roles allocated, volunteers noted to lead particular initiatives, and monies sought and promised from a variety of sources - in order to reach the first of our fund "targets". The groups knew they had much to do, in a relatively short amount of time, but every member of the group was fully committed and reached their target amount.
Further information on the Vine Trust can be found on the Vine Trust School Expeditions (opens new window) webpage.