Science is an important part of our heritage and we use its applications every day in our lives at work, at leisure and in the home.
Science and the application of Science are central to our economic future and to our health and wellbeing as individuals and as a society. The knowledge and skills gained through the Sciences can open doors to careers in many different sectors.
S1- S2 Science
In S1 and S2 Science we aim to stimulate, nurture and sustain the curiosity, wonder and questioning of all pupils. We want to give pupils the knowledge and skills they need to succeed and flourish in a country and world of scientific opportunity.
In S1 and S2 all pupils follow a general Science course that contains level 2, level 3 and level 4 experiences and outcomes from Biology, Chemistry and Physics.
S1 Science course contains the following topics:
- Safe Science
- What is Chemistry
- Human Body
- Light and Sound
- Energy, Fuels and Climate Change
S2 Science course contains the following topics:
- Chemical Reactions
- Forces and Motion
- Acids and Alkalis
- Electricity
- Evolution
- Plants at Work
Each topic is assessed using a wide range of strategies including:
- End of unit tests
- Presentations
- Posters
- Experiments
- Investigations
- Research projects
- Science
- Practical skills are also developed and assessed over the 2 years along with scientific literacy and numeracy skills.
S1 and S2 pupils have the opportunity to participate in the following clubs and trips:
- S1 Science Club at lunchtimes
- S2 science centre trip
S3 Practical Science
Information about the S3 Practical Science Course can be found in our Whitburn Academy Learner Pathways Booklet 2025-26 (PDF, 2 MB)(opens new window)
National 5 Laboratory Science
Information about the National 5 Laboratory Science Course can be found in our Whitburn Academy Learner Pathways Booklet 2025-26 (PDF, 2 MB)(opens new window)
Science Baccalaureate
Information about the Science Baccalaureate can be found in our Whitburn Academy Learner Pathways Booklet 2025-26 (PDF, 2 MB)(opens new window)