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Everyone needs to be numerate to maximise their life chances and to make a positive contribution to society. The effect of poor numeracy on people's lives is often much less obvious than poor literacy.

But there is substantial evidence that low numeracy skills are associated with poor outcomes for many people. The need for numeracy in the workplace is greater than ever. There are fewer unskilled jobs in manufacturing, but there has been growth in the service industry, where roles often require an understanding of IT, target-setting or financial awareness.

We have created a guide in order to help parents and pupils find their way with the basic numeracy skills required to cope in society today. How this guide is used is entirely personal choice. By parent/carer as a means of staying 'up' with the latest methods of teaching numeracy skills in the classroom allowing them to help more confidently at home if a child needs extra assistance with concepts learned in school. By pupil as a means of reminding them how to undertake certain tasks or learning 'extra' skills before they face them in the classroom. However this guide is used it's simple purpose is to raise awareness of what 'basic' numeracy skills are and how they work.

These skills are used by all of us in a daily basis and the role of learning these skills extends far beyond the walls of Whitburn Academy into everyday life. Whilst pupils may feel that skills such as budgeting, DIY, cooking and getting from A to B are solely the responsibility of much 'older' folk than them there is no reason why they cannot gain some experience of them albeit to varying degrees.

Our numeracy booklet for Parents, Pupils and Teachers can be downloaded from the following link: Numeracy Booklet for Parents, Pupils and Teachers (PDF, 735 KB)(opens new window)


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