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Mini News

Impact of screen time on children have produced an information leaflet, which offers information, guidance and strategies for parent's / carers on how to encourage their children not to spend too long on devices.

Sleep Scotland Sleep Support

Sleep Scotland have launched an advice line for parents or carers of a child or young person who has sleep problems.

Safe use of online apps

There are billions of different apps that can be found online and a large number of these are used by teenagers throughout the world.

Know The Score - Parents Information Booklet

NHS Health Scotland have released a booklet for parents titled 'You, Your child and drugs' which gives information about drugs (including legal highs and tobacco).

ACT for Youth

Police Scotland is supporting Counter Terrorism Policing's ACT For Youth Campaign.

Eating For Learning

Whitburn Academy, like many schools across the country does not allow energy juice or fizzy juice in school. We also ask pupils who purchase takeaway food from local outlets to eat this food outside of our school's Academy Café.

Whitburn Academy's Twitter Page

Did you know that Whitburn Academy is on Twitter?

iPayimpact user guide

West Lothian Council have released a Parent's Guide for making online school payments using iPayimpact.

Scholar Revision and Grade Improver

Scholar is a valuable - and free to use- resource which will help you to consolidate your previous learning, offer you useful revision strategies and allow you to practice assessments.

Staying Safe Online

The sharing of inappropriate images on Social Media is a practice that some young people are becoming involved in.

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