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Appeals Information - August 2022

We hope that you have had an enjoyable summer break and that the SQA exam results you received this morning are what you had hoped for and are in line with, or better, than what had been estimated by your teachers.

Art Exhibition and Concert

On 21st June, the Creative Arts faculty held an Art Exhibition and Concert.

Impact Challenge Showcase Day

Recently, a group of 17 S3 pupils attended the Impact Challenge Showcase Day at Herriot Watt University.

YPI Finals

On 1st June, Whitburn Academy held it's annual Youth Philanthropy Initiative Final.

Letter from Headteacher 31.5.22

Whitburn Academy sent a letter out via Groupcall to Parents and Carers of all pupils today (Tuesday 31st May)

Important message for pupils using free school transport

**Important** If your child travels to school using free school transport, it is VITAL for them to have a Young Scot Card.

Mental Health Awareness Week 2022

Monday 9th May - Friday 13th May is Mental Health Awareness Week, with a particular focus on loneliness.

Families and Young People Advice Service Newsletter

Jacqui from West Lothian Council's Families and Young People Advice Service have released a Spring Newsletter.


Whitburn Academy's Sports Extra-Curricular programme has recommenced following the Easter break.

ParentZone Scotland Supporting Study Resources

With this year's exams fast approaching, we know this can be a difficult time for pupils and parents and carers.

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