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Free Wee Library

On 5th November, we opened our 'Free Wee Library'.

Mock Court Case

On 28th October, a group of our senior pupils took part in the Mock Court Case competition and performed very well against George Watson's College and Edinburgh Academy.

S1 Big Draw Festival

On Friday 25th October, our S1 pupils took part in the Big Draw Festival, which was organised by the Art Department.

P7 Open Evening

On Wednesday 23rd October, Whitburn Academy held it's annual Open Evening for the parents/guardians of Pupils in Primary 7 at Primary Schools within the school catchment area.

COSLA Gold Award Winners

On 10th October, the Be Herd group attended the COSLA Awards Ceremony in the Fairmont Hotel in St Andrews.

Maths Week

Monday 30th September to Friday 4th October was the most amazing week ever......Maths week!! 🙂

S2 Numeracy Workshop

Marcus Speirs, the managing director of 3 Pillars For Life, delivered a presentation and workshops to S2 on Friday 4th October.

All about those books podcasts

On 10th October, we recorded and released the first of many podcasts that are 'All about the books'.

Inter County Swimming Competition

On 5th October, Melissa: one of our S2 pupils, took part in the Inter County Swimming Championships in Sheffield.

Academic Writing Workshop

On 8th October, a group of senior pupils took part in an Academic Writing workshop led by Scottish writer Doug Johnstone.

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