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Junior Awards Ceremony

On Wednesday 20th June, the Academy held its junior awards ceremony to celebrate and reward the many academic and extra curricular successes of our S1 - S3 pupils.

21 June
Junior Awards Ceremony 2018

Following a brief welcome and Headteacher's address from Ms Loudon, the audience were treated to Ross Gilchrist playing 'The Carnival of Venice' by H Round on the cornet, he was accompanied by Scott Gilchrist on the piano.   Our guest speaker, former pupil and teacher, Alistair Ross, then gave an inspiring talk to the pupils.   

The Academic Excellence awards were then presented followed by the Drama Group acting out an extract from 'Our House' the musical   Next the Outstanding Effort prizes were presented, followed by a presentation by the winning group from the Youth Philanthropy Initiative competition.   Next was the presentation of the Wider Achievement Awards, which was followed by a video showing the school values that was made by the English, Media and Music departments.   Following awards given out to our Values Ambassadors and the presentation of our Special Awards, the evening ended with a Vote of Thanks to everyone who was involved in the Awards Ceremony. 

A copy of the programme can be downloaded from the foot of the page and the prizewinners are also listed on the page on the website.


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