Social Media

The sharing of inappropriate images on Social Media is a practice that some young people are becoming involved in. This is done on a number of different forums including Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat to name a few, It normally takes place between young people in a relationship but there has been incidents where images have been sent to complete strangers.

There are many dangers associated with this including: bullying or harassment, lack of control of the images, images becoming public, the effect this might have on the person's digital footprint and the Legal implications of taking, sharing, receiving or posting inappropriate images of anyone under the age of 18.

Our pupils receive advice regarding this issue with dedicated lessons during Personal and Social Education classes.   These lessons offer advice and guidance from CEOP, the Child Exploitation & Online Protection Centre, who produce very good educational packages, these inputs are jointly presented by the Campus Police Officers from Police Scotland and the PSE teaching staff.

We would like to offer some advice to parents and carers on how to deal with some of these issues and we have attached advice on issues such as how to set the privacy settings on Facebook, how to block a post or profile and how to report an issue directly to sites such as Youtube.  Information on this is available to download from the downloads section at the foot of the page.    


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